The ACCC will today commence a new three-month inquiry into bargaining power in supply chains for perishable agricultural products in Australia.
The inquiry, initiated by the Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and the Agriculture Minister David Littleproud, will take a broad look at trading practices throughout supply chains, including the relationships between farmers, processors and retailers.
The ACCC will review the extent to which any potential bargaining power imbalances in these relationships can adversely impact the efficient operation of these markets, and the role of market structures and regulations in delivering efficient and equitable outcomes.
“This inquiry provides an opportunity to take a broad look at perishable agricultural supply chains in Australia, utilising knowledge we have gained in working across a range of agricultural issues,” ACCC Deputy Chair Mick Keogh said.
“In recent years the ACCC has conducted detailed market studies in the beef cattle, horticulture, dairy and winegrape sectors, and has continuing responsibilities associated with the Horticulture and Dairy Codes, as well as the Food and Grocery Code.”