The ACCC has started legal proceedings in the Federal Court against Mobil Oil Australia Pty Ltd for alleged false or misleading representations about the fuel sold at six Mobil-branded petrol stations in north and central Queensland.

It is alleged that between August 2020 and July 2024, Mobil represented to consumers through the signage and posters at the six retail sites that the fuel being sold was ‘Mobil Synergy’ fuel which contained certain additives, when Mobil did not in fact supply Mobil Synergy fuel to these sites.

Additionally, the ACCC alleges that Mobil misrepresented that the fuel sold at the six sites was different in composition or quality to fuel sold at other non-Mobil retail sites, and that it contained additives which provided benefits including:

  • protecting the engines against corrosion;
  • reducing and/or removed harmful engine deposits
  • improving economy
  • reducing emissions
  • protecting and cleaning the engine
  • improving and/or ensuring peak engine performance.

The six retail fuel sites at which Mobil allegedly made these false and misleading representations were in Rasmussen, Yeppoon, Barcaldine, Rural View, Proserpine and Aitkenvale, all in north and central Queensland.

“Consumers have no way of verifying the claims made about the fuel they put into their tank and rely on the accuracy of claims made by the fuel supplier,” ACCC Commissioner Liza Carver said.

“We allege that Mobil’s conduct denied consumers the opportunity to make an informed purchasing decision and may have diverted some away from other suppliers. If they had known the claims made by Mobil were not correct, some consumers might have filled up their vehicles elsewhere.”

The ACCC is seeking penalties, declarations, costs and other orders.

Forecourt posters

Product Claim Decals

Concise Statement:

ACCC v Mobil Oil Australia Pty Ltd_ Concise Statement ( PDF 1.01 MB )

This document contains the ACCC’s initiating court document in relation to this matter. We will not be uploading further documents in the event these initial documents are subsequently amended.