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Committee scope

The committee:

  • provides a forum to obtain feedback on ways to improve the ACCC’s effectiveness and efficiency in achieving product safety objectives
  • enables the ACCC to consult on significant product safety projects
  • facilitates awareness-raising among members’ networks of ACCC product safety activity
  • enables members to alert the ACCC to new and emerging product safety concerns.

How the committee works

The committee is convened by the ACCC Deputy Chair with a special interest in consumer issues.

Members provide comment to us on product safety issues affecting consumers that fall within the scope of our administration of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, assisting us to:

  • improve consumer and community understanding of the role of the ACCC
  • facilitate consumer and community organisations’ access to administrative processes of the ACCC
  • educate consumers/users about their rights and responsibilities in relation to emerging consumer issues
  • develop education and information strategies.

The committee meets at least 2 times a year.

Current membership

Members are appointed across a diverse range of stakeholder groups including consumer and health advocates, industry associations and business executives with a focus on product safety, and product safety advisors, legal experts and academics.

Members are appointed for a 3 year term, at which point membership will be reviewed with consideration given to ensuring a broad range of organisations have the opportunity to participate.

  • Consumer: CHOICE
  • Consumer: Consumer Policy Research Centre
  • Consumer: Red Nose
  • Industry: Australian Toy Association
  • Industry: National Retail Association
  • Major retailer: Woolworths Group 
  • Major retailer: IKEA
  • Online platform: Amazon Australia
  • Discount variety store: The Reject Shop 
  • Health: Australasian Injury Prevention Unit
  • Health: Queensland Injury Surveillance Unit 
  • Health: Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit
  • Academia: Kirsten Vallmuur (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Government: WA Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (representing the state/ territory Australian Consumer Law regulators)
  • Legal: Lisa Huett (King & Wood Mallesons)
  • Product safety advisory: Rob Wise (Compliance Wise Consulting)

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