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Scope of the committee
Members provide comment to us on issues affecting consumers that fall within the scope of our administration of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010.
The committee also advises on consumer research and education projects.
How the committee works
The committee is convened by the ACCC Deputy Chair with a special interest in consumer issues.
An external Chair is appointed who is responsible for chairing each meeting. The Chair of the committee is Peter Kell, who is a former Australian Securities and Investments Commission and ACCC deputy chair.
The committee meets four times a year and provides comment on:
- emerging issues that may be of concern to particular groups of consumers
- information dissemination strategies to enhance communication with consumers and community and consumer groups
- other matters that are relevant to issues as requested by the ACCC.
Members work in partnership to consult and progress key consumer issues to assist us to:
- improve consumer and community understanding of the role of the ACCC
- facilitate consumer and community organisations’ access to administrative processes of the ACCC
- educate consumers/users about their rights and responsibilities in relation to emerging consumer issues
- develop education and information strategies.
Current membership
Members are appointed across a diverse range of consumer representatives and community groups. They include consumer organisations and individuals who have experience dealing with consumer affairs and expert knowledge of the issues affecting Australian consumers.
To ensure that the committee reflects a diversity of representation, membership is changed over time to ensure that a broad range of organisations have the opportunity to participate.
- Adult Multicultural Education Service
- Australian Communications Consumer Action Network
- Australian Council on the Ageing
- Consumer Action Law Centre
- Consumer Policy Research Centre
- Consumers Health Forum
- Energy Consumers Australia
- Financial Counselling Australia
- Indigenous Consumer Assistance Network
- National Legal Aid
- Public Interest Advocacy Centre
- Youth Action