The ACCC provided its final advice to the minister on the water charge rules for infrastructure charges on 26 June 2009. Subsequently, the minister requested the ACCC provide further advice on the accreditation of state agencies by the ACCC under the proposed water charge (infrastructure) rules. The ACCC prepared draft advice, sought public submissions and provided its final advice in February 2010.
The minister adopted the ACCC advice when making the water charge (infrastructure) rules 2010 (WCIR), which provide for the accreditation of state agencies to approve or determine regulated charges for Part 6 and Part 7 operators under the WCIR.
On 17 February 2012, the ACCC accredited arrangements in Victoria that allow the Essential Services Commission (ESCV) to determine or approve the regulated charges of infrastructure operators in Victoria regulated under Part 6 and Part 7 of the WCIR (see Accreditation - ESCV).
On 23 September 2015, the ACCC accredited arrangements in NSW that will allow the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) to determine regulated charges of infrastructure operators in NSW regulated under Part 6 and Part 7 of the WCIR (Accreditation - IPART) from 1 June 2016.