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Our role in domestic airline monitoring
The ACCC monitors the prices, costs and profits of the major domestic airlines as part of a government direction. The government first directed the ACCC to do this in June 2020.
This direction expired and concluded in June 2023. In November 2023 the government issued a second direction to monitor, until December 2026.
In our role, we collect data from Jetstar, Qantas, Rex and Virgin Australia about their domestic passenger services.
We do this to:
- uncover behaviour in the industry that may damage competition
- identify signs that competition in the industry is not effective.
Monitoring reports
We report our findings to the Treasurer at least once every quarter. The reports present our analysis from the monitoring work we carried out during this period.
The legal basis of our functions
Our functions came from the Competition and Consumer (Price Monitoring—Domestic Air Passenger Transport) Direction 2023. The Treasurer issued this direction under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 in November 2023.
See also
ACCC to monitor competition in the domestic airline market
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority regulates civil aviation safety in Australia.