Consultation paper13 Aug 2013
On 14 August 2013 the ACCC released a consultation paper inviting comment on a potential program for monitoring and reporting broadband performance in Australia.
ACCC consultation paper
Submissions to the consultation paper closed on 13 September 2013.
The ACCC received 15 public submissions in response to the consultation paper.
Confidential submissions were also received from
- Telstra
- Enex TestLab
- The Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society (IBES)
- Mill Software
- SamKnows
- Witbe.
ACCC open letter in response to submissions
While a number of submissions were strongly supportive of the proposal, others raised questions about the need for and benefits of a broadband performance monitoring and reporting program. The ACCC provides this open letter to expand on the ACCC’s policy objectives and to respond to some of the issues raised in submissions.
Next step
The ACCC will shortly be engaging further with parties who provided submissions to the consultation paper, including key industry and consumer groups, in order to progress its thinking on the need for and parameters of any monitoring and reporting program. Parties will be contacted directly if further information is required in respect of their submission.
The ACCC is aiming to release a position paper in early 2014 which would outline the proposed program specifications in the event that the ACCC decides to proceed with the program.