On 16 December 2021, the ACCC made the Broadband Performance Monitoring and Reporting record keeping and reporting rules.
The record keeping and reporting rules requires NBN Co to report on certain information about the Carriage Services provided to residential customers who have volunteered to be active participants in the ACCC’s Measuring Broadband Australia (MBA) program
NBN Co will provide results on a quarterly basis.
The information provided by NBN Co to the ACCC under the rule won't be published by the ACCC, as personal information about program volunteers will be kept confidential.
In March 2018, the ACCC made minor amendments to the rule to simplify its operation and update the report format.
On 29 April 2020, the ACCC varied the rule to collect more detailed data for the program.
In December 2021, the ACCC extended and made minor amendments to the rules including to rename the rule to the Measuring Broadband Australia program record keeping and reporting rules. This change was made to reflect how the program is referred to by the ACCC in public materials.
Previously, the rule was referred to as the Broadband Performance Monitoring and Reporting record keeping and reporting rules.