Draft determination12 Mar 2013
The ACCC released a draft final access determination and a draft report for the wholesale ADSL service for public comment. Submissions were due by 5 April 2013.
ACCC draft decision
The ACCC received the following public submissions in response to the final access determination for the wholesale ADSL service. Confidential submissions were received from Telstra, Optus and Herbert Geer (on behalf of iiNet).
Supplementary submission
Herbert Geer (on behalf of iiNet) provided the ACCC with a supplementary submission regarding the pricing model underlying the draft final access determination. Among other things, Herbert Geer requested that the ACCC hold a private hearing as part of this public inquiry or release certain reports provided by Telstra under the Regulatory Accounting Framework record keeping rule.
Information request to Telstra
On 19 April 2013 the ACCC sent an information request to Telstra seeking further information on peak usage (AGVC/VLAN) and services in operation on Telstra’s ADSL network. Telstra provided the ACCC with its confidential response on 3 May 2013.