In December 2004 Telstra lodged unconditioned local loop service (ULLS) and line sharing service (LSS) undertakings. The undertakings set out how Telstra proposes to meet its standard access obligations to supply these services.
The ACCC released discussion papers on the undertakings on 9 March 2005. Telstra’s public submissions in support of its undertakings were also released.
The ACCC's draft decision on Telstra's ULLS and LSS monthly charges undertakings was released in August 2005. The ACCC has also released a Telstra letter requesting further information on that draft decision, and the ACCC's response.
The ACCC released its final decision on Telstra's monthly charges undertakings and draft decision on Telstra's connection and disconnection charges undertakings in December 2005. Following that draft decision, Telstra withdrew its ULLS connection undertaking on 23 December 2005. The ACCC accordingly did not make a final decision on that undertaking.
The ACCC released its final decision on Telstra's LSS connection and disconnection charge undertaking in April 2006.