Telstra provided revised undertakings for core services in November 2003 following the ACCC's October 2003 release of model price terms and conditions for core services. The undertakings replace those lodged by Telstra in January 2003.
The undertakings set out how Telstra proposes to meet its standard access obligations for the domestic public switched telephone network originating and terminating access services (the domestic PSTN O/T services), the unconditioned local loop service (the ULLS) and the local carriage service (the LCS). For the domestic PSTN O/T services and the ULLS the undertakings cover financial years 2003–04, 2004-05 and 2005-06. For the LCS the undertakings cover 2003-04 and 2004-05.
In October 2004 the ACCC released its draft decision proposing rejection of Telstra's undertaking with respect to the ULLS and qualified acceptance of Telstra's undertakings in relation to the domestic PSTN O/T services and the LCS. In response to the draft report, Telstra withdrew its ULLS undertaking. In December 2004 the ACCC released a final decision reiterating its draft views on LCS and PSTN.