Notice of extension of final access determination inquiry13 Jul 2023
Notice under subsection 152BCK(3) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010
Access determination inquiries are generally required to be completed within 6 months. This is pursuant to subsection 152BCK(2) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA).
However, the ACCC can extend or further extend the duration of an inquiry by 6 months at a time. We must publish a notice indicating why we haven’t been able to make a decision within that timeframe. This is pursuant to subsection 152BCK(3) of the CCA. The ACCC has extended the current superfast broadband access service (SBAS) access determination inquiry by a period of 6 months to 19 January 2024 under subsection 152BCK(3) of the CCA.
We are extending the inquiry due to uncertainty about future regulated NBN access prices. This is while the review of NBN Co’s special access undertaking variation remains ongoing. We intend to finalise the SBAS access determination when there is greater certainty about future regulated NBN access prices.