SAU lodged30 May 2007
On 30 May 2007 FANOC Pty Limited (FANOC) lodged a Special Access Undertaking with the ACCC under section 152CBA of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (TPA). FANOC is a company formed by the G9 Consortium of telecommunications companies. The Special Access Undertaking relates to the terms and conditions of access to FANOC's prospective fibre-to-the-node Broadband Access Service.
FANOC application documents
Confidentiality arrangements
Redacted versions of FANOC's confidential materials have been published.
Parties wishing to obtain the confidential versions of FANOC's supporting materials should contact:
Andrew Sheridan, Company Secretary, FANOC Pty Limited
c/o SingTel Optus Pty Limited, 101 Miller St, North Sydney, 2060
Ph: 9342 8437