Discussion paper1 Dec 2005
The inquiry primarily resulted from the need to review a number of existing declarations of fixed network services. However, the inquiry also allowed the ACCC to look at broader questions about regulation and to consider emerging market, technological and network developments. The inquiry therefore looked at a number of issues:
- the pending expiry of declarations for the unconditioned local loop, domestic PSTN originating and terminating access and local carriage service
- Telstra's announcement of plans to introduce an IP core network and consideration of a fibre-to-the-node network
- potential substitute technologies such as new generation mobile and other wireless services
- ongoing competition concerns about the wholesale supply of certain non-declared services.
In December 2005 the ACCC issued a discussion paper outlining the relevant issues and seeking comment from interested parties. Public versions of the submissions received by the ACCC were released in March 2006.