As part of its strategic review of the regulation of fixed network services and local services review the ACCC respectively declared the public switched telephone network (PSTN) originating and terminating access (PSTN OTA) services and unconditioned local loop service (ULLS), and local carriage service (LCS) and wholesale line rental (WLR) service, on 28 July 2006.Once the ACCC has declared a service, it must publish pricing principles and may publish price-related terms (or indicative prices).
On 28 July 2006 the ACCC:
- finalised pricing principles for the LCS and WLR service
- proposed draft pricing principles for the ULLS and PSTN OTA services
- proposed draft indicative prices to apply during 2006-07 for the PSTN OTA, LCS and WLR services in two documents:
- ACCC, Declaration inquiry for the ULLS, PSTN OA and CLLS—final determination, July 2006
- ACCC, Local services review—final decision, July 2006.
The ACCC released its final indicative prices, as they relate to the 2006 and 2007 calendar years, in November 2006 .