On 5 April 2012 the ACCC commenced a public inquiry on varying the final access determinations for the declared wholesale line rental, local carriage service and a subset of the public switched telephone network originating access service called preselect and override services. Telstra requested that the ACCC make this variation.

This inquiry considered whether the application of the category A standard access obligations should be removed where these services are supplied over National Broadband Network greenfield estates until 31 March 2013. The ACCC released a discussion paper to assist industry and other interested parties in making submissions to the inquiry. The discussion paper provides the background to the proposed variation, the assessment framework for making a decision and the ACCC’s preliminary views.

On 29 June 2012 the ACCC varied the fixed line services final access determinations. The ACCC temporarily removed the requirement to provide wholesale line rental, local carriage service and a subset of the public switched telephone network originating access service called preselect and override services over the NBN.

In accordance with clause 4.1B of the final access determinations, clause 4.1A of the final access determinations expired on 7 December 2012.
