On 18 June 2021, the ACCC hosted an industry roundtable to commence a process to consider the regulatory framework for the NBN.
The current regulatory framework for the NBN is set out in NBN Co’s Special Access Undertaking (SAU), which has been in place since 2013. In June 2021, NBN Co released its SAU variation 2021 discussion paper to commence its engagement with industry and consumer advocacy groups on key changes to the SAU it proposes to submit to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. The proposed changes in the paper include updating the SAU to expand its scope to cover the network technologies not launched when the SAU was accepted in 2013, as well as specifying options to evolve wholesale broadband pricing for the future to address feedback from the industry.
The ACCC is working with NBN Co, industry and other interested parties in a collaborative and consultative process. The ACCC hosted a series of working groups in the second half of 2021 to discuss current and emerging issues with the regulatory framework, and to consider specific options to address these under a new framework.
Summaries of each of the working group meetings are available.
On 22 December 2021, the ACCC published a report summarising the matters discussed in the working groups and the positions reached.