Review of instruments - consultation19 Apr 2018


Questions that are of interest to the ACCC for this review include:

  • Do the key elements of the Decision Making Criteria instrument promote transparency in decision making by setting out the criteria that the ACCC must apply in deciding whether to accept an access undertaking or a variation of an access undertaking?
  • Do the key elements of the Procedural Rules instrument promote the efficient exercise of the ACCC’s functions and powers under Division 4B of Part 3.3 of the Act? That is, does this instrument help to provide regulatory certainty and assistance to digital radio multiplex transmitter licensees?
  • Are the two instruments fit for purpose i.e. are the two instruments operating effectively[1] and efficiently[2] in achieving their objectives?
  • Are there any other relevant matters that the ACCC should consider as part of this review process?

The ACCC encourages industry participants and other interested parties to make submissions to this review, including reasons to support their views.

To foster an informed and consultative process, all submissions will be considered as public submissions and will be posted on the ACCC’s website. Interested parties wishing to submit commercial-in-confidence material to the ACCC should submit both a public and a commercial-in-confidence version of their submission.

For more about the ACCC/AER policy for the collection, use and disclosure information see ACCC and AER information policy: collection and disclosure of information.

The ACCC prefers to receive submissions electronically in either PDF or Microsoft Word format to allow submission text to be searched. Submissions should not contain redacted information that searchable or able to be disclosed.

Please email submissions by 5 pm Friday, 13 April 2018 to and copy to:

  • Rod Middleton, Director (A/g), Wireline Section, IWW Markets Branch, ACCC,
  • Ifa Rushdi, Senior Project Officer (A/g), Wireline Section, IWW Markets Branch, ACCC,


[1] Effectiveness relates to the degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which targeted problems are solved. Are these instruments achieving their purpose?

[2] In the context of regulation, an assessment of efficiency needs to balance the costs of administering and complying with the regulation against the regulatory objectives. In particular, to be considered efficient, regulation should be achieving its objectives in a least-cost way.