Notice of the resale fixed line services access determination inquiry21 Jun 2024
The ACCC is holding a public inquiry under Part 25 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth) about proposals to make final access determinations for 3 resale fixed line services:
- Wholesale line rental (WLR)
- Local carriage service (LCS)
- Wholesale ADSL
The ACCC has decided to combine the public inquiries about the making of access determinations for these three declared services under section 152BCJ(1) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA).
The combined public inquiry will consider the price and non-price terms and conditions of access to these resale fixed line services taking into account the long-term interests of end-users and other matters under section 152BCA of the CCA.
We anticipate that the inquiry will be conducted over a six-month period. However, this period may be extended.
The current WLR, LCS and wholesale ADSL final access determinations made in 2019 are available at Final Access Determinations Nos. 1 to 7 of 2019 for Fixed Line Services
Overview of inquiry process
The ACCC will publish a discussion paper for this inquiry and seek submissions on the matters set out in this notice, namely, pricing options for the declared resale fixed line services and the key issues regarding non-price terms and conditions which could be included in any access determinations.
The time for making submissions will be a minimum of 28 days from the date the ACCC publishes its discussion paper. Submissions can be made in writing to, or as otherwise directed in the discussion paper.
After considering the submissions, the ACCC intends to arrive at a position regarding the proposed pricing approach for the resale fixed line services. If necessary, the ACCC may release a further discussion paper seeking further submissions on how any preferred pricing approach could be implemented.
The ACCC intends to release a draft report setting out its preliminary views on the price and non-price terms to be included in any new access determination for each of the resale fixed line services.
Following consultation on the draft report, the ACCC will release a final report.