Information request 217 May 2024
ARTC provided a response to Information request 2 on 7 June 2024. ARTC also provided a separate document with a response to aspects of stakeholder submissions on 13 June 2024. Both responses are published below. Note that the response to stakeholder submissions cross-references the response to the information request.
On 17 May 2024 the ACCC sent a request to ARTC to provide further information to support the assessment of the Proposed Undertaking. The information request covers:
- access negotiation for non-Operators
- scope of the access undertaking (non-Operators)
- differential pricing for premium paths
- Interstate Network Development Strategy (INDS)
- sharing costs of additional capacity
- reporting in Schedules G and I
- data availability
- Inland Rail – capital expenditure and inclusion in IAU
- other revenue
- segments - Maroona to Portland line.
The period from 17 May to 7 June 2024 constitutes a specified period for a response to the notice under subsection 44ZZBCA(1) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010.