Final decision6 Dec 2024

On 6 December 2024 the ACCC published its Final Decision to accept ARTC’s Revised Undertaking for the Interstate rail network. This undertaking comes into effect on 28 December 2024 and replaces the undertaking in force since 2008. The final versions of the undertaking and Indicative Track Access Agreement are available below.

We thank all those who participated in the ACCC's assessment process for their constructive engagement.

Supplementary information

In addition to the Final Decision, we have published supplementary information on potential changes to the Indicative Track Access Agreement proposed by ARTC or stakeholders. This does not form part of the decision and is provided as a reference point for stakeholders for future discussions with ARTC.

To the extent there is any inconsistency between the 'Final Decision: ARTC's 2024 Interstate Rail Network Access Undertaking' and this Supplementary Information, the position in the Final Decision is the ACCC’s final position. Further, where stakeholders have proposed a change, that inclusion in this Supplementary Information does not provide any indication of the position the ACCC may take if the amendment were to form part of a future variation to the Interstate Rail Access Undertaking.