Variation application21 Dec 2017
On 21 December 2017, ARTC applied to the ACCC to vary its 2011 Hunter Valley Access Undertaking. The variation seeks to change a number of provisions in the undertaking, including:
- incorporating path based pricing
- allocating incremental capital costs on the basis of contracted capacity
- applying a dual ceiling limit.
ARTC's application and its supporting materials are available below.
ARTC application
Amendment to variation application - clause 2.3(e)
On 23 May 2018 ARTC sent the ACCC a letter setting out an amendment it proposes to include in a revised variation application to the current HVAU. The amendment, developed in conjunction with stakeholders, proposes to insert an additional clause 2.3(e) to address concerns raised in respect of the application of the proposed dual ceiling in future versions of the HVAU.