On 13 April 2015 the Minister for Small Business directed the ACCC to hold an inquiry into the competitiveness of the wholesale gas industry.
The ACCC concluded this inquiry in April 2016.
Scope of inquiry
This is an inquiry into east coast natural gas markets. Matters to be considered by the inquiry include:
- the availability and competitiveness of offers to supply gas and the competiveness and transparency of gas prices
- the competitiveness of, access to, and any restrictions on market structures for gas production, gas processing and gas transportation
- the significance of barriers to entry into the upstream production sector
- the existence of, or potential for, anti-competitive behaviour and the impact of such behaviour on purchasers of gas; and
- transaction costs, information transparency including gas supply contractual terms and conditions, and other factors influencing the competitiveness of the markets.
Inquiry documents
East Coast Gas Inquiry Report ( PDF 1.91 MB | DOCX 2.13 MB )
Media release: Release of East Coast Gas Inquiry report into the increasingly complex and uncertain gas market
ACCC gas inquiry - signed letter and notice ( PDF 157.86 KB )
Media release: ACCC inquiry into Eastern and Southern Australian wholesale gas prices