Compliance guidance for data holders9 Jun 2022
The Competition and Consumer Act 2010, CDR Rules and Standards impose a range of requirements that data holders, accredited data recipients and intermediaries need to comply with. The compliance guides are designed to assist data holders to understand and comply with their obligations.
The focus of these guides is on the obligations arising under the Rules and Standards. The guides do not cover in any detail a data holder’s obligations under the Privacy Safeguards. Information about these obligations can be found in the Privacy Safeguard guidelines issued by the Australian Information Commissioner.
These guides contain general information only. It is not legal advice and is not a comprehensive or exhaustive statement of all the obligations data holders need to comply with under the CDR, or of all the potential consequences of non-compliance. Please see the Important Notice at the start of each guide.
Download the banking sector compliance guide on the CDR website at: Compliance guide for data holders - banking sector
Download the energy sector compliance guide on the CDR website at: Compliance guide for data holders - energy sector