ACCC consultation on proposed timetable for participation of non-major ADIs in the CDR7 Feb 2020
The ACCC sought views from industry on our proposed revised timetable for the commencement of consumer data sharing by the non-major Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions (ADIs) under the Consumer Data Right (CDR) regime.
Under the proposal, mandatory consumer data sharing obligations for non-major ADIs commence on 1 July 2021 for all product phases (that is, phase 1, 2 and 3 products). The revised timetable also allows additional time for the commencement of direct to consumer data sharing.
The proposed timetable follows our announcement to the update to the CDR timeline made on 20 December 2019, which included changes to mandatory consumer data sharing obligations for the major banks.
Feedback on the proposed timetable closed on Friday 21 February 2020. Survey responses have not been published by the ACCC.
Please note that the phasing table below was used for consultation purposes and is not the final version. An updated version of this document will be published in 2021. For more information on the current phasing timeline, please refer to the CDR phasing infographic.