There are 3 consumer guarantees relating to services. Businesses that provide services automatically provide the following guarantees:
1. Due care and skill
The service provider:
- must have the level of knowledge and skill required to provide the service
- must take all reasonable care to provide the services properly and to avoid causing loss or damage when doing so.
Example: A home security company installing an intruder security alarm system must carry out the work in such a manner that the alarm is activated during a burglary.
2. Particular purpose or desired result
In some cases, a consumer will disclose that they want services for a particular purpose, or to achieve a particular result. When this happens, the business or professional service provider guarantees that the services will be fit for that purpose, or will achieve the desired result.
This guarantee does not apply to professional services provided by a qualified engineer or architect.
Example: A consumer wants to have a website built. They explain to a website building business that they need a website that can have images easily uploaded. The business may be liable if it then sells the customer a website that does not have this function.
3. Providing services within a reasonable time
Unless their contract specifies a completion date, anyone providing services to a consumer, as part of a business or profession, guarantees that their services will be provided within a reasonable time. What is reasonable will depend on the nature of the service to be provided and other factors, such as weather conditions. What is a reasonable time to build a house, for example, is different to what is a reasonable time to clean carpets in a house.