755 results, showing 21 to 30
The first fusion cell, focusing on Investment Scams, was targeted to address imposter bond and term deposit scams, and AI trading platform scams.
The National Anti-Scam Centre targets particular scam types through time-limited taskforces called fusion cells. These reports document their activity and outcomes.
This is the third National Anti-Scam Centre quarterly update. It provides insights into the most significant scams that impacted Australians in the third quarter of FY23/24 and highlights the key initiatives put into action to disrupt and prevent scams.
The National Anti-Scam Centre quarterly update provides insights into the most significant scams that impact Australians and highlights the key initiatives put into action to disrupt and prevent scams.
Telstra’s structural separation undertaking and migration plan were accepted by the ACCC in February 2012.
This report outlines breaches of the SSU for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023. The ACCC has prepared this report based on whether in its view, on the balance of probabilities, a breach of the SSU occurred.
The ACCC is responsible for monitoring compliance with the Competition and Consumer Rules, the Consumer Data Standards and Part IVD of the Competition and Consumer Act.
This report presents the outcomes of the ACCC’s targeted compliance review of CDR representative principals.
The results of the ACCC's monitoring of prices, financial performance and quality of service at Australian airports are published in the following reports.
This report presents the results of the ACCC's price, financial reporting and quality of service monitoring for aeronautical, car parking and landside access services at major airports for the 2022-23 financial year.