34 results, showing 21 to 30
The ACCC enforces water market rules that provide protections for those irrigators that want to permanently transform their irrigation right .
The ACCC produces and publishes annual bulk grain monitoring reports. These reports detail the nature and concentration of export activity and capacity allocation at Australia’s bulk grain port terminals.
Under its current petrol monitoring direction, the ACCC produces industry reports on aspects of consumer interest in the fuel market.
Market studies were conducted between 2015 and 2017. They looked into specific petrol issues and analysed the price drivers of petrol in regional markets.
The ACCC has a role under the Australian Postal Corporation Act 1989 (APCA) to assess whether Australia Post is cross-subsidising its non-reserved services with revenues from its reserved services.
Pursuant to s 60J of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, the ACCC is required to report to the Hon. Bruce Billson MP, Minister for Small Business on its operations relating to the carbon tax price reduction obligation. The ACCC is required to report to the Minister on its monitoring activities within 28 days at the end of each quarter.
A report to the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy on the adequacy of Telstra's compliance with the price control arrangements.
Reports into the prices, costs and profits of unleaded petrol in Australia. The ACCC produced these reports from 2008 to 2014.
These reports are pursuant to the Treasurer’s Direction under s 95ZE of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA) to the ACCC to formally monitor prices, costs and profits in order to assess the general impact of the carbon tax scheme in Australia.
A series of publications with information for business.