34 results, showing 11 to 20
The results of the ACCC's monitoring of prices, financial performance and quality of service at Australian airports are published in the following reports.
This report produced annually explains key trends in scam activity and highlights the impact of scams on the community.
The communications market report is made up of 2 parts — competitive safeguards within the Australian telecommunications industry
and changes in the prices paid by consumers for telecommunications services. The ACCC is required to publish this report by 31 December of the relevant financial year.
ACCC Provides a report to the Treasurer annually on prices costs and profits of container terminal operator companies at our major ports.
The ACCC has been directed to monitor the prices, costs, and profits of home, contents, strata, and certain commercial insurance policies, before and after the government’s cyclone reinsurance pool was introduced.
Report to the Australian Senate on anti-competitive and other practices by health funds and providers in relation to private health insurance
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) produce an annual report each year, in accordance with section 63 of the Public Service Act 1999.
The ACCC seeks the direct views of businesses on our performance through our business stakeholder surveys.
The ACCC's corporate plan sets out the commission's purpose, objectives and the key areas of focus each year.
A quarterly publication of the Utility Regulators Forum.