The ACCC has released its tenth annual report under the Water Act 2007 (Cth). The report provides information on the state of the rural water sector in the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB) for the 2018–19 financial year. It covers:
- transformation and termination activity reported by off-river infrastructure operators
- changes in regulated water charges and trends across time, location, network type and Basin state for both on and off-river infrastructure operators
- tradeable water rights activity for off-river infrastructure operator networks
- spending on water planning and management (WPM) activities and the revenue from WPM charges reported by Basin states
- compliance with the water charge rules and Water Market Rules enforced by the ACCC.
The ACCC invites stakeholders to submit any comments, feedback or questions on the report to the Water inbox:
ACCC Water Monitoring Report 2018-19 short form summary
This summary of the Water Monitoring Report 2018–19 contains the key findings and infograph for 2018-19.
Water Monitoring Report 2018–19: Summary ( PDF 2.11 MB )
Monitoring approach and assumptions
This technical guide accompanies the Water Monitoring Report 2018–19. It sets out the ACCC’s data sources, approach to monitoring, assumptions used for the calculation of typical bills and additional information on the analysis presented in the report.
Water Monitoring Report 2018–19: Monitoring Approach and Assumptions ( PDF 778.11 KB )
Background data for charts and tables
The supplementary spreadsheet includes the background data for the charts and tables included in the Water Monitoring Report 2018–19. It also contains additional tables and charts for information not included in the Water Monitoring Report 2018-19.
Water Monitoring Report 2018–19: Supplementary Spreadsheet – background data for charts and tables ( XLSX 6.26 MB )