
This is the ACCC's eleventh report as part of its inquiry into the prices, profits and margins in the supply of electricity in the National Electricity Market (NEM). The report examines electricity bills, usage and effective prices for residential and small business customers in 2023 based on a collection of 15 million electricity bills from Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and South East Queensland.

For the first time in this inquiry, we collected an additional 3 million electricity bills from authorised retailers serving customers in embedded networks. Embedded networks are private electricity networks connected to a local distributor’s network and are used to supply multiple customers at a single site. Some common examples of embedded networks include caravan parks, apartment buildings, retirement villages and shopping centres.

This report examines:

  • the impact of concessions and rebates on billing outcomes for both regular and embedded network customers, including the introduction of the Energy Bill Relief Fund
  • effective prices faced by customers on different tariffs including flat rate, time of use and demand tariffs
  • how effective prices for embedded network customers served by authorised retailers compare with regular customers.

See: Electricity market monitoring 2018-2025


Appendix E - Supplementary spreadsheet with billing data and figures - Inquiry into the National Electricity Market report - June 2024 ( XLSX 8.02 MB )