Pursuant to s 60J of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, the ACCC is required to report to the Hon. Bruce Billson MP, Minister for Small Business on its operations relating to the carbon tax price reduction obligation.
The ACCC is required to report to the Minister on its monitoring activities within 28 days at the end of each quarter.
The last report was provided to the Minister on 28 July 2015.
For the reports on the monitoring of prices, costs and profits to assess the general effect of the carbon tax scheme in Australia for the September quarter 2014, the June quarter 2014 and the March quarter 2014, pursuant to the Treasurer’s Direction under s 95ZE of the Act, see the previous carbon monitoring reports.
Pursuant to s 60J of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA), the ACCC is required to report to the Hon. Bruce Billson MP, Minister for Small Business, on its operations relating to the carbon tax price reduction obligation.
Under section 60J of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, the ACCC is required to report to the Hon. Bruce Billson MP, Minister for Small Business, on its operations relating to the carbon tax price reduction obligation.
Pursuant to s 60J of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA), the ACCC is required to report to the Hon. Bruce Billson MP, Minister for Small Business on its operations relating to the carbon tax price reduction obligation.