Latest news
The ACCC maintains a full listing of all media releases issued dating back to 1995. We also publish speeches and news updates.
The ACCC maintains a full listing of all media releases issues, dating back to 1995.
Speeches allow us to explain our priorities, set the agenda, tell our story and provide an insight into the work we do.
We publish an update when the ACCC makes a decision on certain matters, such as key authorisations.
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Keep up-to-date on the latest news and speeches from the ACCC.
Keep up to date with newsletters on a range of consumer and business related topics.
We operate several social media accounts and applications.
Other information
Senior ACCC staff are frequently invited to speak at national and international events. All speaking invitations are considered with regard to the relevance of the topic and the audience.
High resolution images for download, the terms of use outline how and what the images may be used for.
We have developed this code to balance fairness to individuals, companies and businesses involved in ACCC investigation and enforcement action with informing the public about the ACCC’s enforcement work.