Summary: An animated video for consumers with disability in Easy English about consumer rights. It has been prepared with the assistance of consumers with disability.
Published: 2 December 2016
A suburban lounge room with a TV, a couch and a cat CASEY pops into shot, waving.
CASEY: "Hello! I’m Casey."
REECE pops into shot, waving.
REECE: "And I’m Reece."
Curtains parting to reveal…
CASEY: "We’re here to talk to you about your rights when you buy something."
REECE: "We all have rights and our rights look after us and protect us."
CASEY and REECE in the lounge room. REECE sits down to listen.
CASEY: "The law gives us these rights. We have rights even before we decide to buy things."
The right to look around for the same item in other shops."
REECE: "The right to look around for the same item in other shops."
GRAPHICS: Ask questions
CASEY: "The right to ask the person you are buying from lots of questions."
REECE: "The right to ask the person you are buying from lots of questions."
GRAPHICS: Take your time
CASEY: "And the right to take your time in deciding what you want to buy."
CASEY and REECE in the lounge room.
REECE: "The right to take your time in deciding what you want to buy."
GRAPHICS: Smart shopper
CASEY: "Remembering these rights is called being a ‘smart shopper.’ "
REECE: "Smart shopper."
CASEY: "Do you know that we also have rights after we buy things and something goes wrong? These rights are called ‘consumer rights.’ "
REECE: "Consumer rights."
CASEY: "Sometimes we buy things and they don’t work."
WOMAN in kitchen, a toaster on a table in front of her. The Cat is at her feet.
WOMAN flicks on a switch... a mini explosion and puff of smoke from the top of the toaster. Cat runs away.
WOMAN: "My brand new toaster! "
SFX: Zap! Small explosion.
CAT: Screech!
WOMAN: "Well I am taking that back to the shop!"
CASEY and REECE in the lounge room. REECE sits…
REECE: "Really? "
CASEY: "Yes. Remember, if something goes wrong you have the right to have it fixed..."
REECE: "The right to get a brand new one the same."
CASEY: "Or the right to get your money back."
REECE: "Do you have to do anything special?"
Hands passing to a second person’s hands a slip with “Receipt” clearly written on it.
CASEY: "Yes. When you buy things, the seller has to give you a receipt. If they don’t give you one, you have the right to ask for it."
REECE: "A receipt is a piece of paper that shows where you bought something and how much you paid."
Casey and Reece in the lounge room.
CASEY: "Exactly. And if something goes wrong you can take the item back to the shop with the receipt, or something else that shows you bought it there and show them."
WOMAN in a shop with the toaster, talking to SALESWOMAN.
WOMAN: "I bought this here and it’s not working."
SALESWOMAN: "I am sorry about that. If you have the receipt I’ll give you a refund or replace your toaster with a new one right now. It’s your choice."
WOMAN passes receipt to SALESWOMAN.
WOMAN: "I’d like a replacement toaster please."
SALESWOMAN passes WOMAN a new toaster.
SALESWOMAN: "Here you are."
WOMAN: "Thank you."
CASEY and REECE in the lounge room.
CASEY: "If you need help with buying things or returning things do you know who to ask?"
REECE: "Ask someone you trust to help you. Like a family member, friend or another person in your support network."
CASEY: "That’s right. Remembering all these things will make you a smart shopper."
WOMAN in kitchen again, next to toaster, the cat at her feet.
Toast pops up. The cat smiles.
SFX: Toast “popping”
CASEY and REECE in the lounge room.
CASEY: "But sometimes people will try to sell you things you don’t even want."
REECE: "So we have to remember other rights. Like the right to say “NO” and the right to say “I will think about it”.
CASEY: "Because some people might even come to your door to sell you something you do not want."
REECE: "And you have the right to say “NO” or to say, “I will think about it.”
CASEY: "Yes. You even have the right to ask them to leave."
A MAN vacuuming in a room with a door at one end.
Doorbell. Vacuum stopping. MAN goes to door and opens it. Outside is a SALESMAN standing with a vacuum cleaner.
SALESMAN: "Hiiii! I’m here to sell you this fantastic new vacuum cleaner!"
MAN: "Sorry. I’m not interested in a new vacuum cleaner, um, please leave."
SALESMAN: "Come on – let me in – I think you DO need this new vacuum cleaner!"
MAN: "My answer is no."
SALESMAN turns and goes. CASEY and REECE in the lounge room.
REECE: "There is another way someone might try to sell you something you do not need."
BOTH: "The telephone!"
WOMAN and cat near a telephone. The telephone rings and the WOMAN answers it.
WOMAN: "Hello?"
VOICE: "Helloooo! Have I got a deal for you! We are selling discount TV sets!"
WOMAN: "I am sorry, I don’t need a TV. My answer is NO thank you."
WOMAN hangs up. Curtains appear then part to show graphics.
GRAPHICS: Be a smart shopper.
CASEY: "I have the right to be a smart shopper.”
GRAPHICS: Shop around
REECE: "I have the right to shop around."
GRAPHICS: Ask a lot of questions
CASEY: "I have the right to ask the seller a lot of questions.”
GRAPHICS: Take time deciding
REECE: I have the right to take my time in deciding what to buy."
CASEY: "I have the right to a REPAIR, REPLACEMENT, or REFUND if something is wrong or doesn’t work.”
GRAPHICS: I can say NO
REECE: "I have the right to say NO.”
GRAPHICS: Ask for help
CASEY: "And I have the right to ask someone I trust for help."
CASEY and REECE in the lounge room.
REECE: "It’s a lot to remember."
CASEY: "Yes but you can watch this again or ask someone you trust about it any time."
REECE: "I’ve learned a lot today."
CASEY: "Well done Reece, and well done you! That’s the end."
REECE: "Let’s go shopping!"
CASEY: "Okay - as long as it’s smart shopping!"
REECE: "Right!"
Curtains, parting again to reveal...
Consumer Protection Agency
Curtains close and open again to reveal a computer on the screen with the Australian Consumer Law logo and GRAPHIC/Hyperlink:
The curtains close and re-open to reveal the CAT and a GRAPHIC: The End
CASEY: "If you’re not sure about something, find out what your rights are. For more information about your rights, contact your local consumer protection agency, speak to your support networks or speak to someone you trust."