There is faulty electrical cabling in thousands of Australian homes and businesses. Time is running out before the cables become a fire or electrocution risk. Act now before it’s too late—get your cable checked.

About the recall

Electrical retailers and wholesalers have recalled Infinity and Olsent-branded electrical cables. Physical contact with the recalled cables could dislodge the insulation and lead to electric shock or fires.

The cables were supplied in:

  • NSW - 2010-13
  • ACT and Queensland - 2011-13
  • Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia - 2012-13
  • Tasmania - 2013.

Recall progress reports indicate that up to 22,000 homes, commercial and residential buildings in Australia could be affected.

A taskforce of consumer agencies, building regulators and electrical safety regulators are coordinating the safety recall.

To date, 27 suppliers have announced recalls of Infinity cables. In August 2015, NSW Fair Trading issued a mandatory recall notice under the NSW electrical safety regulations to a further 25 suppliers.

See NSW Fair Trading Mandatory Recall for Infinity Brand Electrical Cable.

Electrocution and fire dangers from faulty cables

Infinity and Olsent-branded Infinity cables failed to meet electrical safety standards due to poor quality insulation (plastic coating). Testing found the insulation on the ‘TPS’ and ‘orange round’ range of cables will become brittle prematurely, which may present a safety hazard if the cables are disturbed and the insulation breaks. Cables exposed to prolonged high temperatures will degrade at a faster rate.

Once the insulation is brittle, physical contact with the cables could dislodge the insulation and lead to electric shock or possibly fires.

The taskforce found there is no immediate danger; however, careful steps need to be taken to stop electrocution or fires.

From 2016 it is possible that the earliest installed cables will exhibit deterioration and become hazardous.

The longer-term risk is real. The cables will degrade over time and the risk of physical contact is highest in roof spaces and under raised floors. No incidents have been reported so far.

What consumers should do

Have your wiring checked by a licensed electrician if, between 2010 and 2013, you:

  • built between 2010-13
  • renovated
  • had electrical work done, including appliance installations in 2010-13.

Do not attempt to inspect cables yourself.

If you are unsure who did the electrical work, talk to your builder. If you don’t know who the builder was and are unsure if Infinity cables were installed, get a licensed electrician to inspect your wiring. If the electrician identifies the cable as Infinity, and you can identify the supplier, under the recall the cost of inspection will be met by the supplier.

Obligations of electricians and builders

Electricians and builders who installed Infinity cable must take remedial action to remove it under the supplier's recall. Electricians and builders who do not act, could:

  • be issued Rectification Orders by the electrical safety or building regulator in your state or territory, or be sanctioned in other ways
  • be prosecuted, fined, or possibly lose your licence
  • be held financially liable for property damage, injuries, or loss of life
  • be responsible for the loss of a life.

Recalled Infinity cables in each state in 2010-13

Find out approximately when the recalled cables could start to degrade and become dangerous in your state or territory:

Recalled Infinity cables in each state in 2010-13
State Km of cable Percentage Installation period Safety risk could start:
NSW 2,629 55% 2010-2013 2016
VIC 890 18% 2012-2013 2018
QLD 753 15% 2011-2013 2017
WA 296 6% 2012-2013 2018
ACT 94 2% 2011-2013 2017
SA 58 1% 2012-2013 2018
TAS .2 .004% 2013 2019
NT Unknown Unknown 2010-2013 2016

*Note that a small amount of cable has been found in NT that was supplied from other states.

Frequently asked questions

Our frequently asked questions provide detailed information about the recalled cables.

See Infinity cables frequently asked questions

Where to go for more information

Where to go for more information about the recall
For information about: See:
The recall

Infinity electrical cable recall - first tranche

Infinity electrical cable recall - second tranche

Media release – National Infinity electrical cable safety recall

Media release – ACCC updates Senate Estimates on national Infinity Cable recall

Media release – Additional Infinity electrical cable safety recalls announced

Media release – Act now on Infinity cables

Media release – Do you have dangerous Infinity cables in your house?

Media release – Infinity cables could cause house fires next year if not made safe

Media release – ACCC puts electricians and builders on notice that they must replace unsafe Infinity cables

Media release – Dangerous Infinity cables could degrade over summer

Media release – Tradespeople and homeowners warned of immediate risks from Infinity electrical cables

Consumer enquiries about rights and obligations State and territory consumer protection agencies
Electrical safety


Access Canberra, Construction Environment and Workplace Protection


NSW Fair Trading, Energy and Utilities, Home Building Service


Queensland Treasury, Queensland Government Electrical Safety Office


Office of the Technical Regulator, Department of State Development, Energy Markets and Programs


WorkSafe Tasmania


Energy Safe Victoria, Equipment Safety and Energy Efficiency


Department of Commerce, Energy Safety Division


NT Worksafe

Building safety


Access Canberra, Construction Environment and Workplace Protection


NSW Fair Trading, Home Building Service


Department of Housing and Public Works


Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure


Department of Justice, Building Standards and Occupational Licensing


Victorian Building Authority


Department of Commerce, Building Commission


Department of Lands, Planning and the Environment

Consumer rights and faulty products Consumer guarantees

Images of the recalled cables

View of cable marking

View of the affected Infinity cabling.

End view of cable

End view of cable

Close up of cable and marking

Close up of cable and marking

End view of three core cable

End view of three core cable

End view of five core cable

End view of five core cable