The ACCC has published NBN Co’s 2023-24 Expenditure and Price report prepared under the terms of NBN Co’s varied Special Access Undertaking (SAU).

The report serves as a successor to the Long Term Revenue Constraint Methodology report which NBN Co used to provide to the ACCC under the SAU.

The expenditure component of the report contains some limited redactions which relate largely to commercial sensitivities in competitive market segments or external input markets. The pricing component of the report is published in full.

Consistent with NBN Co’s requirements under the varied undertaking, the report sets out:

  • NBN Co’s capital expenditure and operating expenditure for 2023-24, with a comparison against forecast expenditure for 2023-24 in the first regulatory cycle (Financial years 2023-24 to 2025-26)
  • whether prices charged for NBN Offers or Other Charges for core regulated services exceeded, at any time during the 2023-24 financial year, the maximum allowable prices in the Tariff List at the relevant point in time.

After consulting with NBN Co, the ACCC has decided to publish the report with only limited redactions to the reported expenditure information to:

  • promote increased transparency and oversight on NBN Co's financial performance and monitor the accuracy of its forecasts
  • enable stakeholders to contribute more effectively to the assessment of NBN Co’s building block expenditure, pricing and service standard proposals
  • better facilitate ACCC decision making under the expenditure assessment processes that the SAU establishes to deliver improved expenditure outcomes
  • contribute to the more effective use of the ACCC’s functions and powers under the SAU to promote competition and efficient use of, and investment in, NBN infrastructure.

Accordingly, the ACCC is not seeking comments on the report, but rather its publication will help give assurance over NBN Co's progress towards implementing its regulatory proposal for the current regulatory cycle, and to assist stakeholders in engaging with the development and consideration of NBN Co’s Replacement Module Application for the next regulatory cycle.

View the report on our website.