The ACCC has released a draft determination proposing to grant authorisation to allow renewable energy businesses to collaborate to resolve overlapping geographic areas in their applications for feasibility licences under the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Act 2021 and the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Regulations 2022.
The application for authorisation, lodged by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) on 15 March 2024, relates to the granting of feasibility licences in declared offshore electricity generation areas. The ACCC proposes to grant authorisation until 15 March 2027.
Interim authorisation was granted on 20 March 2024 for the Gippsland and Hunter declared offshore electricity generation regions to avoid delays in feasibility licence processes that were already well advanced at that time. Interim authorisation will remain in place until the ACCC’s final determination comes into effect or until the ACCC decides to revoke it.
The ACCC is now seeking submissions in response to the draft determination by Friday 19 July 2024, before making its final decision.
Further details about the application, the ACCC’s draft determination, and how to make a submission are available on the ACCC's public register.