On 19 December 2024, the ACCC released a final determination denying authorisation to the Copping Refuse Disposal Site Joint Authority trading as Southern Waste Solutions (SWS) to design, build and operate a contained organics waste facility in Copping, Tasmania. SWS seeks authorisation for 26 years.

SWS applied on behalf of itself and the City of Clarence, Sorrell Council, Tasman Council and Kingborough Council as members of SWS, and on behalf of the successful contractor which would be determined as a result of the proposed request for tender process.

Based on the information before it, the ACCC considers that the claimed public benefits of environmental benefits, economic benefits, increase in competition, achievement of national policy objectives, and additional employment opportunities are not likely to arise, or are likely to occur to the same or greater extent, in the ‘futures without’ the Proposed Conduct that the ACCC has identified.

The ACCC considers that the Proposed Conduct is likely to result in public detriments in the form of higher prices and reduced access to best practice composting for non-Participating Councils and other customers, and reduced contestability for processing of Participating Councils’ organic waste, compared to the ‘futures without’ the Proposed Conduct that the ACCC has identified.

Based on the information before it, the ACCC is not satisfied in all the circumstances that the Proposed Conduct is likely to result in public benefits that would outweigh the public detriments likely to result from the Proposed Conduct.

Further information is available on the ACCC's public register at: Southern Waste Solutions.