On this page

What we can do for your business

We can:

  • accept and record your reports of information about business practices and behaviours that are of concern to you. We will respond to your report where we have information that may help you, or you have asked a question about your rights or obligations under the law.
  • provide information about your rights and obligations under the law, including the Franchising Code, via the ACCC website, ACCC publications or when you contact our Infocentre. Where relevant, written responses are provided within 15 working days.
  • refer you to another agency if your issue doesn’t fall under the responsibilities of the ACCC
  • investigate alleged breaches of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (where it meets our Compliance and enforcement policy priorities) and take enforcement or compliance action, where appropriate
  • provide information and guidance on appropriate recall action
  • provide information about the ACCC and what enforcement action we've taken
  • in certain circumstances, permit conduct otherwise caught by the law (in the form of a notification or authorisation) or provide protection from penalties or other remedies (cartel immunity).

What we can’t help you with

We can't:

  • act on your behalf or provide you with legal advice on your rights and obligations under the law
  • provide dispute resolution services
  • regulate or set the prices for goods or services such as groceries or fuel
  • make formal decisions on whether a person or business had breached the law as only the courts can do this.

We do not:

  • ordinarily comment on the level of complaints about particular businesses or the status of any ongoing investigation. Where we do, this is as a publicly available statement.
  • ordinarily advise businesses on whether a product is captured by a mandatory consumer product safety standard or ban. Where we do, this is usually to provide clarification for a new product type — with the assessment made publicly available for the benefit of all businesses.
  • review or assess products for businesses to determine whether the product complies with a mandatory consumer product safety standard or ban.