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Approaches to market

ACCC business opportunities are advertised in AusTender and DTA Marketplace.

Procurement related complaints

As a potential or current supplier to the ACCC, you have the right to be treated fairly throughout the procurement process and to have complaints investigated quickly and without disadvantage.

Lodging a complaint

If you have concerns relating to a procurement process and wish to discuss them informally, you can approach the procurement contact officer in the first instance. If you are not satisfied with the response, you can make a formal complaint through:

Complaints under the Government Procurement Act

The Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018 (GPJR Act) establishes an independent complaint mechanism for government procurement processes. For more information on your obligations as a supplier when raising a complaint under the GPJR Act, see the Handling complaints under the Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018 Resource Management Guide on the Department of Finance's website.

Under the Act, complaints must be made in writing to the relevant entity immediately after becoming aware of the alleged breach of the relevant Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs). The tender contact officer can inform you whether the procurement process is subject to the GPJR Act.

The most efficient way to lodge a complaint is to email the ACCC at procurement@accc.gov.au.

To help us resolve your complaint quickly, please include the following information in your written submission:

  • your name, supplier business name, ABN, address, phone and email
  • details of the procurement including the service, estimated contract value, relevant times and dates and AusTender ID
  • a factual and concise outline of your complaint and a statement as to what part(s) of the CPRs you believe we breached
  • any other information, documents or evidence to support your complaint.

We will acknowledge receipt of your written complaint and advise of next steps.

Contracting activities

See also

External legal services expenditure