When you have a problem with a product or service, always contact the business first to explain the issue and the remedy you want.
Often, a single phone call or visit can fix the problem. You can use our tool to help write a complaint letter or email to the business.
Our review of more than 2,000 Australian retail websites found concerning online shopping return policies. There is a risk that consumers may be mislead on their rights to exchange, refund or return a product.
We are urging consumers to shop around or at least to contact their electricity provider to ask if a cheaper electricity plan is available. This follows a decline in retail electricity prices in 2024 that many households aren't benefiting from.
On 28 November 2024, the Treasury Laws Amendment (Mergers and Acquisitions Reform) Bill 2024 was passed by the Australian Parliament. The new merger laws aim to strengthen competition, productivity and price restraint for the benefit of consumers and business.
We've started proceedings in the Federal Court against registered NDIS provider Ausnew Home Care Service. We allege that Ausnew made false or misleading representations to consumers relating to the sale of aged care and disability products.

“We prioritise the issues impacting the Australian economy, consumers and businesses in Australia.”
Our priorities
Changes to the law on unfair contract terms in consumer and small business contracts came into effect in November 2023.
We are working to help consumers and business understand the law around unfair contract terms and what the changes mean.
Consumers are now, more than ever, making purchasing decisions on environmental grounds.
We'll be investigating a number of businesses for making potentially false or misleading environmental claims.
The expansion of digital platforms in Australia has brought benefits, but also created risks and harms that our current consumer and competition laws are not always able to address. We're examining these issues as part of inquiries we conduct and law enforcement cases.
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Related sites

Find recalled products, safety information about different products, and report unsafe products.

Find out how to recognise, avoid and report scams.

Find out about the Consumer Data Right, which gives you the right to share your data between service providers of your choosing.