A new series of publications for consumers about refunds and warranties and warranties for services has been issued by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

The flyers and a revised version of the popular refunds "wallet card" complement the ACCC's brochure, Warranties & refunds, and give consumers a snapshot of their rights under the Trade Practices Act 1974.

The ACCC receives many inquiries and complaints about warranties and refund claims.

"Consumers should be aware that whenever they buy a good or service, the Act gives them certain protections that cannot be changed or removed by anyone", ACCC Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, said.

The flyers will provide consumers with information on the steps they can take to resolve a dispute involving a refund or warranty, or how to complain to the ACCC.

"The ACCC encourages all consumers to learn more about their rights in relation to refunds and warranties when buying goods or services."

While the ACCC cannot act on behalf of individuals about warranty and refund claims, it has successfully prosecuted companies for failing to inform consumers of their rights under the Act*.

"The ACCC will not hesitate to take action against businesses which mislead consumers about their statutory rights," Mr Samuel said. "Consumers can be tricked into thinking that they can't have a faulty item replaced, or get a refund, because the manufacturer's express warranty period has expired, when that may not be so."

Please note: The flyers have been discontinued.