Small business operators in regional Australia can learn what unconscionable behaviour is and how to combat it by taking part Competing Fairly Forum on 1 May.

It will be conducted via a satellite hook-up covering 64 towns across Australia.

The forum is an initiative of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission with the support of a wide range of business groups, local government and community organisations. Media personality, Mr George Negus will act as host and feature an expert panel headed by ACCC Chairman, Professor Allan Fels.

Unconscionable conduct is the chosen topic because its is such a critical issue for small business people as some may suffer it. They include franchisees, retailers and those leasing retail premises. A stronger partner can make unfair demands, especially when contracts are up for renewal, often leaving the weaker partner suffering anguish and financial loss. Unconscionable conduct goes beyond driving a hard bargain.

The panel will explain unconscionable conduct, detail the results of successful court action against perpetrators, listen to your comments and answer your questions.

ACCC Small Business Commissioner, Mr John Martin, says the Forum gives regional business operators the chance not just to listen to experts but to discuss the topic with them.

"The forum is a 'high impact' way of helping people understand the law of unconscionable conduct. "Remember the old saying, to be forewarned is to be forearmed".

There is no participation fee.
