The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will not oppose the acquisition of Shomega Ltd by Pacific Magazines and Printing Ltd, ACCC Chairman, Professor Allan Fels, announced today.

"The ACCC's market inquiries concluded that the acquisition was unlikely to deter new participants from entering the web printing market at the lower levels, where Shomega's Canberra Press participated," Professor Fels said.

"Market inquiries likewise did not disclose any evidence that the removal of Canberra Press was likely to deter new entry at the higher levels of the market.

"It was not apparent that the acquisition would adversely affect consumers of printed material, with the remaining web printers in the market being strongly competitive, and some substitutes being available from other sources of printing."

Professor Fels said the Commission's inquiries found the merger would not breach the Trade Practices Act and the ACCC would not oppose it.