A second recall of unsafe child car restraints by online traders has prompted a serious safety alert from Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Deputy Chair, Peter Kell.

eBay trader Doreen 3058 supplied the WORWO baby car seats via eBay Australia in May and June this year. The seats were manufactured by Taizhou Ganen Car Appliance Co. Ltd.

"These baby car seats breach the mandatory safety standard for child restraint systems for use in vehicles," Mr Kell said. "They were supplied without an upper tether strap. In the event of a car accident this breach poses risks of serious injury or death.

"I am pleased that when ACCC raised its concerns with eBay trader Doreen 3058, the trader immediately withdrew the products and registered the car seats for a consumer recall at www.recalls.gov.au. If people have this product, they should return it to the supplier."

In July 2008, a similar incident occurred when Xport Investments Pty Ltd issued a national voluntary recall of two models of child restraint systems for use in motor vehicles which also breached the mandatory standard.

"All suppliers and parents should make the safety of children their top priority," Mr Kell said.

"Suppliers, including online traders, must ensure that the car seats they supply meet the mandatory product safety standard," he said. "When selecting and using child car restraints, parents should always ensure that the restraint carries a label or sticker stating that it meets Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1754."

Mr Kell also strongly advised parents to take these crucial steps to ensure the car restraints they use are safe:

  • never use second-hand or hand-me-down restraints that have been in an accident or have no current standard label or instructions for installation
  • whenever possible, use specialist car restraint installers to avoid common mistakes in DIY installation
  • always check that the child car restraint is in good condition with no frayed or broken straps and buckles, and
  • teach your child to always ask to use a restraint or seat belt.

The ACCC's Keeping baby safe booklet, includes safety tips when buying and using child car restraints.
