The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission today issued a draft determination proposing to grant authorisation* to a number of amendments relating to Ombudsman access to metering data contained in the National Electricity Code.

The ACCC considers that the proposed amendments would provide customers with better service and quicker resolution of complaints. Allowing energy ombudsmen** direct access to the information necessary for resolving such complaints would result in efficiency benefits and would minimise the time and cost associated with accessing this data.

The ACCC also considers that the amendments appropriately include energy ombudsmen in the list of bodies authorised to receive this information. Further, the amendments provide adequate safeguards against the dissemination of confidential information.

"In the ongoing transition to full retail competition in the National Electricity Market, amendments increasing the speed of the dispute resolution process will result in a net public benefit with minimal detriment to industry participants", lead ACCC Energy Commissioner, Mr John Martin, said today.

Before the ACCC issues its final determination, interested parties who are dissatisfied with the ACCC's draft determination can request a pre-determination conference to discuss the operation and effect of the draft determination or make an additional submission.

A copy of the draft determination is available below or from Mrs Maxine Helmling on (02) 6243 1246.