Consultations on the arrangements relating to the distribution of newspapers and magazines have been extended until 31 March, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Chairman, Professor Allan Fels, said today.

"Considerable progress has been made to clarify the issues but the consultations have overlapped with the Christmas/summer holidays period, with contact with some key stakeholders restricted.

"As a result the ACCC has suggested to the Minister for Financial Services and Regulation, the Hon Joe Hockey MP, that further progress on this matter would be made if the consultations were extended to 31 March 1999.

"The Australian Newsagents Federation has supported the request for a short extension to 31 March 1999 as necessary and appropriate.

"Accordingly, the Minister has acceded to the request and extended the time for the ACCC to pursue further consultations and report to Mr Hockey.

"On 25 November 1998 the Minister asked the ACCC to assist him by consulting stakeholders in the newspaper distribution industry to identify relevant issues raised by an Australian Competition Tribunal decision on the current arrangements.

"The Minister asked the ACCC to report to him by 15 February 1999.

"Since the Minister's request the ACCC has held more than 30 meetings with stakeholders including all major publishers of newspapers and magazines; representatives of the so called 'look-alike' newsagencies; convenience stores representatives and magazine distributors".