The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has now implemented the findings of its inquiry into competition in data markets by declaring services provided over Telstra’s integrated services digital network (ISDN) and varying the existing declarations for two other services, namely the digital data and domestic transmission capacity services.

Declaration means that carriers such as Telstra are required to supply the services to other service providers on commercially negotiated or arbitrated terms. This enables service providers to supply competitive services to end-users.

Declaration is expected to promote competition in markets for data carriage services and also in related markets such as for Internet and e-commerce services. This should provide end-users with a greater product range and lower prices.

The inquiry involved detailed input from industry and the public in relation to the merits of declaration and a range of technical matters. The ACCC has made the final report available on its website and this report will soon be available in hard copy.

Declaration of the ISDN services and variation to the digital data and domestic transmission capacity services comes into effect from the date of gazettal, which is expected to be Wednesday 11 November 1998.
