Consumers must carefully examine representations made about fire bunkers before they buy, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman, Graeme Samuel, has warned.

"The ACCC is concerned that some web-based advertising may have given consumers the impression that there was an Australian Standard for bushfire bunkers which their product met.

"The simple fact is that there is currently no Australian Standard for bushfire bunkers.

"The ACCC raised concerns with three traders who had made claims about compliance with standards linked to products such as septic tanks or concrete structures.

"After the ACCC's approach, the traders promptly removed the representations and are in discussions with the ACCC with the best way to correct any misleading impression given.

"Consumers obtain a high level of comfort from claims that products meet Australian standards," Mr Samuel said. "The ACCC is conscious that residents in bushfire prone areas are deciding now about how to protect themselves during the fire season.

"In view of this the ACCC moved to investigate the issue and obtained the prompt withdrawal of the representations."

Before making decisions in relation to the best means of protecting themselves from the risk of fire or the possible installation of a fire bunker, consumers should talk to experts in the field.

The ACCC is aware that the Australian Building Codes Board has recently begun work on a national standard for the design and construction of bushfire bunkers for personal use.

The ACCC understands the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission is considering making interim recommendations in relation to regulation of bushfire bunkers. The ACCC has provided a copy of this release outlining its activities to the Royal Commission.