On-line consumers in Australia and abroad can more confidently buy goods and services over the Internet due to an Australian Competition and Consumer Commission initiative.

In conjunction with members of the International Marketing Supervisory Network the ACCC has been 'sweeping' Internet sites in a 48 hour campaign.

Up to 70 agencies from 29 countries have been sweeping sites based in their own jurisdictions, in a demonstration of international cooperative efforts to educate businesses and protect consumers.

"Agencies need to remain vigilant to ensure that both consumers and businesses can engage in e-commerce with confidence", Acting ACCC Chairman, Mr Rod Shogren, said today.

"Most on-line businesses play by the rules, but initiatives like the sweep give notice to the few who do not that they are being watched. The international scope of this action captures sites based in many jurisdictions, and the ACCC is pleased to be the lead agency."

The sweep's focus is compliance with consumer protection principles that have gained international acceptance in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and in Australia through the issuing of "Building Consumer Sovereignty in Electronic Commerce: A Best Practice Model for Business". This model includes requirements such as:

  • easy contact with the business via a telephone number or e-mail address
  • full disclosure of costs for goods and services, including freight and local taxes
  • statement of applicable currency for the purchase
  • statement of policy on returns, refunds and exchange
  • disclosure of privacy policy, stating what will happen to consumers' personal information.

The sweep results will be collated and used to educate businesses about best practice in the on-line environment, and to educate consumers about how to evaluate a site before doing business online.

Sweep days are a regular activity of the IMSN, and have enjoyed an increasing level of success since the first in 1997. The statistics on compliance assist agencies in targeting their efforts in their local jurisdictions, and a strong compliance message is sent on a global level to consumers and businesses alike.